Driving Growth Through Data-Driven Conversations

At FormulatedBy, we leverage the power of meaningful conversations to drive all aspects of our marketing services, from demand generation to strategic event planning and digital campaigns. In high-stakes B2B environments, our approach is focused on building authentic relationships with key decision-makers and influencers by providing valuable insights and opportunities, enhancing every interaction beyond just a sales pitch.

Some clients: AWS, O'Reilly Media, IBM, Domino Data Lab, Plotly, Verta, Alation, John Snow Labs, Grid Dynamics, Comet, Atlan, Data.World, Galileo, AWS, BigEye, Acryl Data + many others.

ο»ΏLets work together! We also run the Data Science Salon non-profit community and event series

Medium member since June 2024
Friend of Medium since June 2024
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Specializing in conversation-centric aproach in demand generation. Serving over 100+ B2B companies from ML/AI to Cloud to DevOps. EST 2015 #growth #demandgen πŸ“ˆ